Thursday 1 November 2012

Welcome back to Term Four

We thought that you would like to read some of the children's recent writing.
During the first week back at school we all reflected on the Celebration Day held on the last Thursday of last term and the reasons behind it. Apart from getting into the spirit of the Olympic Games in Term 3 Inquiry focused on exploring the concept of a global community. Celebration Day was a very authentic way of bringing the children's discovery to a closure.

These are recounts that were written during our first week back. There are a number of photographs from this event that were posted on the Blog last term.

Our Celebration Day 

Written By Nikau (Year 3)

Well you will never guess what St Alban's school did on Thursday. The whole school had an STA Games Day. It was such an energetic day. I thought it was going to be an action packed day and it was.

At the start of the games, the King and Queen (Mr Warren and Mrs Bateman) arrived . Children came out onto the court and performed cultural dances for them. Then Mrs Warren spoke about the STA game for quite a while before they kicked off.

My favourite event was 'Fill the Bucket' hosted by Miss Archbold and Miss Bunting. A sponge was involved in this event. It felt as though filling the bucket was a fitness game. The sponge was used to squeeze water into a bucket. I got soaked when I was hit by the water and sprayed by the teachers' water guns.

I really think that the fantastic STA games should be put on again because all games were fairly played. It was a lot healthier than staying indoors for the day.

The STA Games

Written by Catherine (Year 3)

At the end of Term Three we had the STA Games. The STA games were played because we were celebrating community.

At 09:30am we went onto the court and lined up in house colour numbers. Then the King and Queen declared the games open.

Of the games, my favourite was the 'Hurdles With Hoops.' When we jumped over the hurdles I felt like a kangaroo. When going through the hoop I felt as though I was on a trampoline.

My least favourite activity was the 'Sponge and Bucket Race.' This was where the sponge in the green, yellow, blue or red bucket was dipped into the water and filled and then you had to run and squeeeze the water out into the bucket at the other end. But the teachers had water guns to squirt us with. I didn't get a single bit of water on me. Not even a teensy weensy bit.

Then we had lunch. If you had ordered cultural food you had to collect it. I sat with Ava and Zoe because we could sit wherever we wanted to. Now isn't that cool.

After lunch more games. My favourite in the afternoon was the sack race, but we used garbage bags instead of sacks. We had a three legged race as well. I was really good at it.

Finally after the games were over the King and Queen declared the games closed.

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