Saturday 3 November 2012

Ronald McDonald

Written by Miyuki  (Year 3)

Today was a special day. My teacher said so. My teacher told us,” There’s a surprise in the hall.” Some people came and said,” It’s time to go.” “Yes!” replied the teacher. We were ready to go.  We ran outside, lined up and off we went.

In the audience I sat curious to what would happen next. After a while Ronald came in. He held a metal thing that I’ve never seen. He opened it up and reached into his bag. He opened that up and  … splat! The metal thing closed. He tried again and again but it just closed anyway. Then he opened it and twisted the top. Guess what, it didn’t fall down. He pushed it a little and it wobbled. He wobbled his hips in time to the wobble.

After a short story about road safety, he found his missing sock. His sock told him that it wanted to stay. So it happened. The sock (actually a puppet) stayed at St Albans School.  Hooray!

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