Saturday 3 November 2012

Road Safety
Written by Lauren (Year 3)

Bang! The door suddenly burst open and in walked Ronald McDonald. He was very a very tall character with short red hair. He was wearing overalls and read and white stripy top and socks.

Ronald McDonald came to St Albans School to talk about Road Safety. Three of the things to remember were: stop, look and listen. He told us not to hang your washing out on windy days because if there is a strong wind it could blow some, or all of it away and you’ll have to chase it down the street until you catch it.

Ronald McDonald also told us to always wear our seatbelts whenever we’re in a car. If you’re in a car crash and you don’t have it on, you’ll go flying forwards and hurt yourself badly. You certainly don’t want that to happen, do you?

At the very end, Ronald McDonald found his lost sock that had blown away in the wind. It was inside out so he turned in the right way and put it on his arm. It looked just like a puppet because it had eyes. 

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