Sunday 18 November 2012

Off to Living Springs

Here are a few extracts from the children's writing on camp. 

Camp for our Year Four Group

By Jack Mc Bride

The most amazing thing happened to me at school. Can you believe that I just went to camp. Should I list the things that I did?  Um… no, you’re right, there are far too many of them. Anyway here are a few things that I did.

First we walked for two and a half hours around the harbour. I saw lots of rocks.
When we got to Living Springs, we went to our bunk rooms and chose our bed. Then we had multi-sports to go to. Most of us went on the Monorail (which is like a roller-ooaster), but I went on the Balance Bikes. It’s hard when you’re small.

At night time, it was really difficult to get to sleep. Everyone was talking non-stop. Robert and I were telling everyone to be quiet.


By Lydia
“Argh … Why ?” I thought. Nothing was wrong, except for the fact that I had been walking for three hours up a hill. I sighed, “I hope that the rest of school camp is going to be easier.”  Right, I’ll leave that part and introduce you to the camp itself.

Well, as you know it was our school camp. But I’ll bet that you didn’t know that it was my first camp, yes, Living Springs was my first school camp.

After the tiring walk, we sat down on the field and were told how to settle into our rooms. Once settled we met on the field again and were split into two groups, one to do rock-climbing and the other general recreation. I was in the rock-climbing group. We set off, crossed the road and headed for Don’s shed. On the way there we saw a painted car. When we were all together, we were asked to take our shoes off and sit on the green mat. Then off we went. I have to say that I wasn’t too good at it.

Off to Camp

By Robert

Children and adults started running towards Room 22 from every direction. Why? The Year Fours were going to camp.

We got our bags and put them into one of the parent’s trailer. We hopped into the cars and were off to Governor’s Bay. At Governor’s Bay we were divided into two groups. We walked up hill and down hill and up hill and … well, you get the idea.

After two long hours, we finally got to Living Springs. We collected our bags and headed for our bunkrooms. Boys and girls were separated into different bunk-houses.

We had lots of activities to do; rock climbing, bush walk, monorail, trampoline, flying fox and the low ropes.

We hope you enjoy watching this short video clip taken during some of our activities.


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