Thursday 1 November 2012

Last week we discussed the storm that hit Christchurch at the end of the holidays. Diagrams were used to explain a front and the type of build up to severe weather changes. Storms have been a talking point again this week with the devastation experienced in the America.

The objective for this piece of writing was to use imagery and similes to describe events.

The Bucket of Water  

Written by Quentin

Did you see and hear that ginormous wind and rain storm in the weekend? It was like a massive bucket of water being dumped on Christchurch. I stayed inside my lounge and watched television all that day. I saw a few branches lying in the neighbours yard. That was after the storm had finished having its temper tantrum. The sky was so pale. I wished that the weather had been the same as it was when the holidays started. It was so sunny then. 

The Day I learned about Callum's Fear

Written by James

Have you ever been in a huge storm? Well I have. Here's how it started. On Friday I was innocently playing by myself when I looked up and saw this huge cloud rolling viciously toward Christchurch. Anyway it was nearly bedtime so I had to go to bed. The next day I woke to hear 'pit, pat, pit, pat. Immediately I knew that it was still raining. I ignored it for a while until a rain drop hit the window breaking into approximately 5 mini drops. Then Callum let out a high pitched scream. I stared at him for about ten seconds and left to watch Lord of the Rings. 

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