Sunday 19 February 2012

Week Four Newsletter

Room 22 Newsletter                      20th February 2012

Dear Parents/Caregivers
We have had a great first full week and it’s nice to settle into some routines. The children are settling very well and learning the expectations. I am very pleased.
This week is an assessment focus week for the syndicate, so we will need to be fresh and alert every day, drink plenty of water and get to bed at a reasonable time, tell them Ms Steel expects it!
On Wednesday we will have a moment silence and a shared lunch to remember one year on from the Earthquake.  Families are welcome to join us, full information was in the school newsletter.
This Thursday is our trip to Jellie Park for a swim and picnic, we only have two parent helpers at this stage so if anyone else would like to accompany us just let me know early this week. Thank you to the two parents that have offered support.
Please remember togs, towel, jersey, good, healthy lunch, and a bag for wet togs and towels and drink bottle on the day.
Well done to the children who handed in their homework books on Friday, and practiced their spelling words. Remember the reading, basic facts and spelling are the key component of the homework and the other is extra for the academic geeks who love to learn more!
Help!!! We are having a major problem at this stage due to the fact that children are not bringing their reading books, reading folder, homelog book or poem book back to school. Two of our reading groups are large and the children do need to exchange their book with others in the group during the week. This system grounds to a halt when books are left at home. Can you please work out a system so that reading folders and books are regularly returned each day. Several children did not have a poem book to do Poetry, several did not have their homelog on Friday which meant they could not do spelling testing! It creates an unnecessary fuss for all of us.
Thank you to the Year 3 children who have paid their $2 to Mrs Ross or myself for their extra book. Sorry for this mix up.
We have had a fun time with our buddy class Room 4 on Friday icing biscuits and playing games. Check if your child knows what their buddies name is?
Lets have another fantastic week.
                                                                                                Tracey Steel

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