Thursday 14 June 2012

Impact Alpha Gymnastics

The children were very, excited to go to the BDO today.
 Forward and backward on the beam!
 Swing and climb on the rope!

  Jump, roll, flip and...

 yes Jake, give that bottom a helping push!

 Not sure if we are suppose to pose and rest on the block!

Saturday 9 June 2012

Sport Invasion Tournament

Sport Invasion Tournament
   Tomorrow afternoon we are having a grand final for our invasion game skills if
the weather is permitting.
The children will need suitable footwear and clothing for a sports afternoon,
a drink bottle and sufficient food.
This will be a great conclusion to the skills we have learnt.
Thank you

Snow Show!

The snow from Room 22 and Ms Steel's home. Have an awesome play day making snowmen and snowballs.


Congratulations to Jacob Mitchell-Hall for receiving the Academic Achievement Award this week. Awesome creative story writing...