Wednesday 23 May 2012

Invasion Games

We are loving the Invasion Games skill based activities. Big thank you to Mrs Jones. We are looking forward to the tournament...

Watch us move, jump, pivot, throw and usually catch!!!

Week 5 Certificates

Congratulations to... Catherine Zhong for the Heart of Achievement, Leia B. for modeling St Albans Values in Room 22 and Quentin R. for excellent academic skills, persistence and giving his best! Thank you team! You always make me proud at assembly, thank you! Ms Steel

Monday 21 May 2012

Year 4's Enjoyed their first session of Turbo Touch...

we were joined by the Room 2 students.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Room 22 Assembly

Today Room 22 Hosted Assembly.
Thank you to James Ross who was an excellent presenter for us, doing us proud.
We took the opportunity to share some of our ANZAC work.
Certificates today were presented to R-Jay Barclay for Academic Achievement and
Thomas Irving for excellent St Albans School and a great Room 22 role model.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Cross Country

We had a fantastic and fun day! Thankfully the weather was not wet, even though it was very cool!
 Well Done Jake we were all impressed with your run!

 Miyuki what a surprise! Well Done!

 Jackson! Jackson! our first Year 4 Boy, what a great effort!

 Jack H. you showed amazing fortitude in a painful situation, got up and carried on!
 Excellent inner strength! Your a winner!

 Go Ambyr! Go Ambry! Go Ambry!

Friday 4 May 2012

This weeks Certificates Week 2

Congratulations to... Willow Tuu'u for her hard work and focus concentration to compete a task independently to a high standard. James Ross who received the Heart of Achievement this week, for his all round academic ability, bubbly personality, caring nature and quirky sense of humour, that Room  22 enjoy!