Monday 30 April 2012

Sunday 29 April 2012

ANZAC Biscuits

Cranberry ANZAC Biscuits


1 cup flour
1 cup rolled oats
1 cup coconut
3/4 cup Chelsea LoGiCane™ Low GI Sugar
1 cup dried cranberries
1/2 cup pumpkin seeds
1/4 cup sunflower seeds
125g butter
1/2 cup Chelsea Honey Maple Flavoured Syrup or Golden Syrup
1 tsp baking soda
2 Tbsp boiling water
Preheat oven to 175°C.
In a large bowl combine flour, rolled oats, coconut, sugar, cranberries and seeds.
Melt butter and syrup together and cool for five minutes.
Dissolve soda in boiling water and add to butter (mixture will foam up).
Pour the butter mixture into the dry ingredients and mix well.
Roll into walnut sized balls and place on baking paper lined baking trays, flatten slightly with a fork and bake for 10-12 minutes until golden.

Very tasty if we do say so our selves, travels well to Gallipoli, not too moist so longer lasting and great for fund raising!

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Invasion Sports Term Two

This term we are very privileged to have sessions with Mrs Jones, learning invasion sport skills. Today we had fun learning about using all available space in a playing field, not leaving gaps. How to move around in different ways, forward, back or sideways, while not making contact with others. Why we need to let people know we are passing to them while on the move. Then the thinking required to do all these activities at once as in a sport! Not easy I can assure you, but a lot of fun.

Term Two Newsletter Overview

Room 22 Newsletter Term 2                  23rd April 2012
Dear Parents
Welcome back to the X-team-ly cool Room 22. I am sure you have all had a lovely relaxing break over the last 2 weeks. I do hope the children are looking forward to getting back to school, to see friends, continue with learning and share more of themselves with us all. I am looking forward to a positive, fun learning term with our team!

Winter Uniforms Term 2 is the time for winter uniforms. Mornings are chilly, please ensure that the children have a jersey/sweatshirt to wear. PLEASE NAME ALL CLOTHING SO WE DO NOT HAVE ANY CONFUSION. We will need to take off shoes as the lawns are wet in the mornings. Slippers are welcome for the classroom. With X-country this term it is important for the children to have sensible running footwear every day.

Ms Steel and 22 went on a little plane ride to Perth to see her big boys. This was very exciting and a relaxing spending time with missed family. I am also looking forward to getting into some new, interesting activities and learning this term.

We have a few things on this term…
First day of school Powhiri to welcome new children, families and teachers.
Anzac Day focus Week One and the school is closed on Wednesday.
School Cross Country during the first few weeks.
Friday 4th May will be a School Celebration Assembly 11:45 in the hall.
Canterbury Symphony Orchestra visit 16th May.
Maori Language Week 6 starting the 27th May.
Turbo Touch Sessions on a Thursday, during the term.
School Inquiry Celebration Day .
Queens Birthday 4th June School closed.
Week 8 Impact Alpha Gymsport.
School Mid-Year Reports
Friday 22nd June will be a School Celebration Assembly 10:30.
Parent Teacher Interviews again on 27th and 28th June.
Keep these events and dates handy!

Writing: the usual personal recounts and creative writing, but we will have a focus on transactional writing, -writing a report. How to present a factual report and share our opinions formed.
Reading: due to the assessment at the end of term one we have a few changes in the reading levels and goals. As most of the class are reading above their age level we do still have a strong focus on vocabulary, but along with this we will be discussing retelling a story in a sequence of events, while using thinking tools to form our own opinions and ideas, based on our prior knowledge, experiences and new knowledge learned
Math: the class we will be covering the measurement strand this term together. Then we will have a syndicate interchange again to ensure that all children can receive the most suitable teaching for their specific levels.
Inquiry: we have completed an investigation into the areas of school that we can influence for change and now it is our time to make those changes for the enjoyment of our selves and others.
Art Focus: this term is on Painting. Autumn is a great time for some inspirational colour tones. We will be making our own colours from the Primary Colours. Blending light and dark tones. Learning different strategies to add detail to our finished work.
Initiative Focus: for independent learning, responsibility for our belongings, time keeping.

How you can help at home? A few minutes a day can help and homework is a routine that is important to establish now for the future. Reading and Vocabulary at this level is important. Monday to Thursday is a set reading task and new vocabulary will arise, please ensure you talk about new words and add them to your home word wall. Spelling is personal for each students needs. Math Basic Fact Activities need to be an instant recall using imaging not materials. Newsletters will continue to be placed in the front of homework books.

A pre-warning about the Term 4 Camp, this is for all Year 4 children. It is held every year and looking at last year’s camp an estimate for the cost will be around $120 for two nights. This is only for the Year 4 children and the Year 3 children will be working in other classrooms for those days.  
                                                                                                Tracey Steel

Twenty-Two enjoyed his holiday in Perth!

Monday 23 April 2012

Anzac Day Remembered

Today was a day to remember, learn, ask questions and quietly reflect.

As a school we had a lovely service to remember -"Lest we Forget"
      We have read stories, poems, fact finding mission and had very valuable discussions, please continue to talk at home because some interesting questions, facts and thoughts were raised.

Enjoy your day tomorrow and if you get the chance to take children to a service please do!

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Elena Krauze for EXcellent St Albans Values.
Lauren Trolove for Academic Excellence.
Jack Haldane for excellent St Albans Values.
Robert Dalziel received the Heart of Achievement.
Miyuki Cassiday for Academic Excellence.

Smoothie's For Room 22

It felt icy! They taste fluffy and soft!
Chocolately and cold!
Strawberry Foam!   Creamy!

Crunchy ice!